Origami Tanteidan Volume 18 (issue #103-108)
What's in this page
- issue #103 (May 2007)
- issue #104 (Jul 2007)
- issue #105 (Sep 2007)
- issue #106 (Nov 2007)
- issue #107 (Jan 2008)
- issue #108 (Mar 2008)
Back Numbers
How to subscribe to "Origami Tanteidan".
issue #103 (May 2007)

- Diagrams
- Cat Kawahata Fumiaki
- Owlet 2 Katsuta Kyohei
- [Tomoko's Room] Flowered Box Fuse Tomoko
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Bigajarita, Flapping "Big" Bird by Tanaka Masashi, Komatsu Hideo introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Shark Miyajima Noboru
- Articles
- [Close-up] A Workroom of an Origami Designer : Joseph Wu Matsuura Eiko
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] Germany and its Neighbors Joan Sallas
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding" Hatori Koshiro
- [Origami-Sampo to Unexpected Directions] Saitama for Some Reason I Won't Tell Maekawa Jun
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] MOTTAINAI Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] A Black Skull Hitomi Toru
- [This Origami and That] More on Hydrangea Tessellations Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- The 8th Origami Tanteidan Kansai Convention
- And more...
issue #104 (Jul 2007)

- Diagrams
- Little Bird Kamiya Satoshi
- [Mercy's Unit Alternative] Giver Tanaka Masashi
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Cherry Tomato and Mandarin Orange Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Manta Ray by Yoshino Issei Kamiya Satoshi
- Articles
- [Close-up] A Geometrical Analysis of AB=A'B' in Quadrilaterals Kawasaki Toshikazu
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] The Queen of Origami Boaz Shuval
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Paper Magic Rittai Origami (3-dimensional Origami)" by Iwakura Keisuke Komatsu Hideo
- [Origami-Sampo to Unexpected Directions] An Origami Walker in Shizuoka Maekawa Jun
- [Paper Folders on File] Sipho Mabona Hatori Koshiro
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Can 1,500 yen Become 300,000 yen? Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] Origami and Insects Kanazawa Takashi
- [This Origami and That] JOAS Membership, Origami Instructor Renewal, and A New Maekawa Book Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- OrigamiUSA Convention Mitani Jun
- MFPP Convention Nishikawa Seiji
- And more...
issue #105 (Sep 2007)

- Diagrams
- Sheep by Komatsu Hideo
- [Tomoko's Room] Twin-Boat Modules: Chinese Primrose Fuse Tomoko
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Sweetie Box Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- An Angel Playing the Lute Kawahata Fumiaki
- Articles
- [Close-up] The Geodesic Dome with Geosphere Modules Kawamura Miyuki
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] Birth of British Origami Society Joan Homewood
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Origami from Angelfish to Zen" by Peter Engel Hatori Koshiro
- [Origami Sampo Skipping Every Other Step] Glimpses of Unfamiliar Izumo Maekawa Jun
- [Paper Folders on File] Giang Dinh Hatori Koshiro
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Spellbound by Insects Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] How I Acquainted with Origami Tanaka Mikito
- Reports
- The 13th Origami Tanteidan Convention Tachibana Motoi
- Convention in Korea Miyamoto Shintaro
- And more...
issue #106 (Nov 2007)

- Diagrams
- Panda Miyajima Noboru
- 15°-Based Mouse Nishikawa Seiji
- [kawacho's Modular Inventions Modulo Infinity] Crystal Star Kawashima Hideaki
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Tanaka Nezumi' (dash) by Tanaka Masashi introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Phalacrognathus muelleri II Sipho Mabona
- Articles
- [Close-up] A Workroom of an Origami Designer: From the Atelier of Eric Joisel Sato Naomiki
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] The History of Paperfolding in Great Britain David Lister
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Paper Magic" by Robert Harbin, translated and edited by Mama Satoshi Komatsu Hideo
- [Origami Sampo Skipping Every Other Step] Paper Cranes in Fukushima Prefecture Maekawa Jun
- [Paper Folders on File] Janneke Wielinga-Dolfien and Pieter Wielinga Kamiya Satoshi
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Sherry on the Lawn Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] An Adjunct Folder Sakuragi Sachiko
- ]This Origami and That] Flaps and Angles Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- The 40th Anniversary BOS Convention Yamaguchi Makoto
- Folding Australia 2007 Hagiwara Gen
- And more...
issue #107 (Jan 2008)

- Diagrams
- Mockingbird Seth Friedman
- [Tomoko's Room] Twin Edges: A Twin Boat Modular Model Fuse Tomoko
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Ships Passing in the Night by Herman van Goubergen introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Geistkämpfer Hojyo Takashi
- Articles
- [Close-up] Origami Stent Graft -Application to a Medical Implant Device- Kuribayashi Kaori
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] The History of Paperfolding in Great Britain - Part Two: 1945 to 1968 - David Lister
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Designing Origami Models" by Tsuda Yoshio Komatsu Hideo
- [Origami-Sampo to Unexpected Directions] Search for Origami around Chiba Prefecture Maekawa Jun
- [Paper Folders on File] Obituary:V'Ann Cornelius Fuse Tomoko, Hatori Koshiro, Yamaguchi Makoto
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Piecework: Time-Consuming but Skillfully Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] A Long-Standing Dream Coming True Okada Ayumi
- [This Origami and That] Origami Cantabile Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- PCOC 2007 Yamaguchi Makoto
- The 3rd Origami Tanteidan Nagoya Convention Hojyo Takashi
- And more...
issue #108 (Mar 2008)

- Diagrams
- Siberian Husky Kawahata Fumiaki
- [Mercy's Unit Alternative] Compulsory Program for Modular Folders: A Regular Icosahedron from 6 Sheets Tanaka Masashi
- [Origami Odds and Ends] A Bag with "T" Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- 15°-Based Camel Nishikawa Seiji
- Articles
- [Close-up] A Meta-Theory of Model-Designing Procedure for the Coming Generations of Designing Theories Horiguchi Naoto
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] The Paperfolding Revolution in the West, 1950 to 1960 David Lister
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Introduction to Origami" by Momotani Yoshihide Komatsu Hideo
- [Origami-Sampo to Unexpected Directions] Up The Stream Maekawa Jun
- [Paper Folders on File] Mark Robinson Kamiya Satoshi
- JOAS Report of the 18th Year (2007) and Prospects of the 19th Year (2008) JOAS
- Origami Copyright Nick Robinson
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] A Business Card Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] Why What I Am Is What I Am Hara Tsukasa
- And more...