Origami Tanteidan Volume 19 (issue #109-114)
What's in this page
- issue #109 (May 2008)
- issue #110 (Jul 2008)
- issue #111 (Sep 2008)
- issue #112 (Nov 2008)
- issue #113 (Jan 2009)
- issue #114 (Mar 2009)
Back Numbers
How to subscribe to "Origami Tanteidan".
issue #109 (May 2008)

- Diagrams
- Wizard Hojyo Takashi
- [Tomoko's Room] 135° V-Shape Module Fuse Tomoko
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Elephant by Kase Saburo introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Lion Horiguchi Naoto
- Articles
- [Close-up] Off-Air Stories on the "TV Champion" Nishikawa Seiji
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] "Paper Magic" by Robert Harbin Part One. David Lister
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Viva! Origami" by Kasahara Kunihiko and Maekawa Jun Komatsu Hideo
- [Origami-Sampo Skipping Every Other Step] The Long Sunday Afternoon Maekawa Jun
- [Paper Folders on File] Obituary: Kase Saburo Yamaguchi Makoto
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Obituary: Kase Saburo Fuse Tomoko
- [This Origami and That] Modeling Strategies for Models Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- The 25th Anniversary OCN Convention Fuse Tomoko
- MFPP Convention Maekawa Jun
- AEP Convention Kawamura Miyuki
- And more...
issue #110 (Jul 2008)

- Diagrams
- Crane Kamiya Satoshi
- [kawacho's Modular Inventions Modulo Infinity] Shell-Patterned Modules Kawashima Hideaki
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Varieties of Husimi Origami Cranes introduce: Kawasaki Toshikazu
- Crease Pattern
- No Eating! (Sea Bream) Igarashi Tomosuke
- Articles
- [Close-up] Husimi Kodi - A Man with a Everlasting Dream - Miura Koryo and others
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] "Paper Magic" by Robert Harbin Part Two. David Lister
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Geometry of Origami" by Husimi Kodi and Husimi Mitue Maekawa Jun
- [A Long Excursus on Crease Lines] Crease lines won't fold themselves. Meguro Toshiyuki
- [Paper Folders on File] Sato Naomiki Maekawa Jun
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Sherry on the Lawn Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] My Origami History Yada Naoyuki
- [This Origami and That] Intellectual Property Rights Pertaining to Origami Models Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- OrigamiUSA Convention Yamaguchi Makoto
- And more...
issue #111 (Sep 2008)

- Diagrams
- Tiger by Miyajima Noboru
- [Tomoko's Room] Regular Icosahedron (6 modules) Fuse Tomoko
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Bulldozer Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Clown Miyamoto Chuya
- Articles
- [Close-up] Counting the Number of Unique Configurations of Flat-Folded Origami Reconstructed from a Crease Pattern (follow-up report) Mitani Jun
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] A Brief History of Origami: from the origin to the present Part 1: Japanese and European Origami Hatori Koshiro
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Highly Challenging Origami Models for Maniacs" by Kasahara Kunihiko Komatsu Hideo
- [Origami Sampo Skipping Every Other Step] The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Math version Maekawa Jun
- [Paper Folders on File] Marcio Noguchi Origamihouse
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Spiders Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] My Origami History Elsa Chen
- [This Origami and That] Funds for Protection of Intellectual Rights Pertaining to Origami Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- The 14th Origami Tanteidan Convention Herman Van Goubergen
- Convention in Korea Katsuta Kyohei and Miyamoto Chuya
- And more...
issue #112 (Nov 2008)

- Diagrams
- Milk Cow Kawahata Fumiaki
- [Mercy's Unit Alternative] Modulo-Orizurus Tanaka Masashi
- [Origami Odds and Ends] 1000-Yen Bill Torso Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Coelacanth Kakami Hitoshi
- Articles
- [Close-up] The First International Origami Copyright Meeting (Tokyo) Nishikawa Seiji
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] A Brief History of Origami: from the origin to the present Part 2: Modern and Contemporary Origami Hatori Koshiro
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Origami" by Uchiyama Kosho Komatsu Hideo
- [A Long Excursus on Crease Lines] What Happens When Crease Lines Meet Meguro Toshiyuki
- [Paper Folders on File] Brian Chan Yamaguchi Makoto
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Lasting Origami Activities Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] Sense of Doing Origami Takeda Naoki
- Reports
- The First International Origami Copyright Meeting Yamaguchi Makoto
- Pacific Rim Origami Group Meeting Kamiya Satoshi
- And more...
issue #113 (Jan 2009)

- Diagrams
- Crow Brian Chan
- [Tomoko's Room] Regular Octahedron out of 6 Band-Shaped Modules Fuse Tomoko
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Yamaguchi Ring Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Praying Mantis Kamiya Satoshi
- Articles
- [Close-up] Origami-Folding Robot Yokokohji Yasuyoshi
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] The American Professor and "KAN NO MADO" David Lister
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Origami for the Enthusiast" by John Montroll Komatsu Hideo
- [Origami Sampo Skipping Every Other Step] Revisiting the Island of Orikami Maekawa Jun
- [Paper Folders on File] Roberto Morassi Yamaguchi Makoto
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Proofreading Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] How to Grow an Origami Otaku (by Oneself) Hagiwara Gen
- [This Origami and That] An Origami Moai Goes to Easter Island Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- The 30th Anniversary CDO Convention Yamaguchi Makoto
- And more...
issue #114 (Mar 2009)

- Diagrams
- Java Sparrow Miyamoto Chuya/Diagrams: Komatsu Hideo
- [kawacho's Modular Inventions Modulo Infinity] Crystal Modules Kawashima Hideaki
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Pietro Macchi's Module introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Eagle Seth Friedman
- Articles
- [Close-up] Rigid Origami Simulator Tachi Tomohiro
- [Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past] Patricia Crawford Boaz Shuval
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] ORIGAMI, the First 8 Issues Tsuda Yoshio
- [A Long Excursus on Crease Lines] The Extent of the True Contents of Folding Methods Meguro Toshiyuki
- JOAS Report of the 19th Year (2008) and Prospects of the 20th Year (2009) JOAS
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Aging, Generations, and Improvement? Fuse Tomoko
- [Fold-Creases] Origami, Education, and a College Queen Matsuura Eiko
- Reports
- The 2nd OORAA Convention
- And more...