Origami Tanteidan Magazine Volume 24 (issue #139-144)
What's in this page
- issue #139 (May 2013)
- issue #140 (Jul 2013)
- issue #141 (Sep 2013)
- issue #142 (Nov 2013)
- issue #143 (Jan 2014)
- issue #144 (Mar 2014)
Back Numbers
How to subscribe to "Origami Tanteidan Magazine".
issue #139 (May 2013)

- Diagrams
- Crab Jason Ku
- [The Spiral Module Series] Gateau aux fraises Kawasaki Toshikazu
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Chopstick Envelope (Maple) by Inayoshi Hidehisa introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Motorcycle Itagaki Yuichi
- Articles
- [Close-up] Modeling on Predecessors Komatsu Hideo
- [The Swift Stream of Origami] Why a Square in the First Place? Kasahara Kunihiko
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "An Encyclopaedia of Paper Craft Techniques (Vols. 1-2)" Mitani Jun
- [Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN] History of OSME Miura Koryo
- [Paper Folders on File] Heinz Strobl Jason Ku
- Essays
- [This Origami and That] One Step Forward: Origami Copyrights Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- The 13th Origami Tanteidan Kansai Convention Heinz Strobl
- AEP Convention 2013 Kashiwamura Takuro
- And more...
issue #140 (Jul 2013)

- Diagrams
- Basic GAIKOTSU Figure for GAIKOTSU PLANET Hojyo Takashi
- [Tomoko's Room] Marsh Grass-of-Parnassus Fuse Tomoko
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Ornaments: Apple and Pumpkin Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Maiko Matsui Erika
- Articles
- [Close-up] Origami Activities in Zaragoza Jorge Pardo
- [The Swift Stream of Origami] Origami the King of Puzzle with Logic and Stories Kasahara Kunihiko
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Polyhedra Origami" by Kawamura Miyuki Nishikawa Seiji
- [Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN] World's Largest Convention Hatori Koshiro
- [Paper Folders on File] Aoyagi Itsuko Kawamura Miyuki
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] What David Lister Told Us Fuse Tomoko
- [Orisuji] Origami as a Tool of Communication Ikeda Hitoshi
- [This Origami and That] The 6th International Conference on Origami Copyrights Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- The 3rd Origami Tanteidan Kyushu Convention Kawamura Miyuki
- OrigamiUSA Convention 2013 Ono Tomoaki
- And more...
issue #141 (Sep 2013)

- Diagrams
- Cattle Kamiya Satoshi
- [Exploring into Modular Models] Borromean Cube, Egret Flower Cube, A Cube of Bird, Boat and Wind Maekawa Jun
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Minamimachi Butterfly by Robert J. Lang introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Magical Girl Ohtani Mitsugu
- Articles
- [Close-up] Statistical Universality in Origami Crease Patterns Yamamoto Ken
- [The Swift Stream of Origami] Ideas of Origami Kasahara Kunihiko
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Science of Origami Vol. 2" by JOAS Tsuruta Naoya
- [Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN] Origami in Flickr Komatsu Hideo
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Thoughts Upon OD and MFPP Conventions Fuse Tomoko
- [Orisuji] How My Encounter with Origami Led Me to Chopstick Bags Inayoshi Hidehisa
- [This Origami and That] Origami Artists Announcing on Copyrights Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- The 19th Origami Tanteidan Convention Robert J. Lang, Nicolas Gajardo Henriquez
- The 4th Korean Origami Convention Morisue Kei
- The 5th Origami Caravan Yamaguchi Makoto
- And more...
issue #142 (Nov 2013)

- Diagrams
- Pony Kawahata Fumiaki
- [Tomoko's Room] A Twin-Boat Facet Fuse Tomoko
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Snow Crystal Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- A 3D Pony Kawahata Fumiaki
- Articles
- [Close-up] 6th International Origami Copyright Conference Ono Tomoaki
- [The Swift Stream of Origami] The Stream of Origami Flows into the Ocean Kasahara Kunihiko
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "ERIC JOISEL-The Magician of Origami-" by Origami House Hojyo Takashi
- [Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN] Uses of Origami in Junior High School Curriculum Fukushima Kuniyuki
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Charge for Models/Ideas Fuse Tomoko
- [Orisuji] My Way of Creating Models Nakagawa Koji
- [This Origami and That] 6OSME in Tokyo Coming Three Seasons Later Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- Hungarian Origami Society Convention Kawasaki Toshikazu
- British Origami Society Autumn Convention Kawasaki Toshikazu
- Visit to India and Bangladesh Kawamura Miyuki
- Czech Origami Society Convention Kawamura Miyuki
- PCOC 2013 Yamaguchi Makoto
- And more...
issue #143 (Jan 2014)

- From Editor
- We have been pointed out that Violin by Gen Hagiwara we published in Tanteidan Magazine No.143 (January 2014) significantly resembles Cello by Leo Lai that was published in 2010. While we always take great care in selecting models to appear in the magazine, we have failed to be aware of the preceding work this time. We apologize for that.(2014/03/02)
- Diagrams
- Violin Hagiwara Gen
- [The Spiral Module Series] Carnation Box Kawasaki Toshikazu
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Hina Doll (for the Girl's Festival Day (March 3)) Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Chameleon 18° Itagaki Yuichi
- Articles
- [Close-up] Exhibition: Form of Computational Origami Tachi Tomohiro
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Origami Insects and Their Kin" by Robert J. Lang Horiguchi Naoto
- [Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN] Cafe with a Laser Cutter Hatori Koshiro
- [Paper Folders on File] Ono Tomoaki Yamaguchi Makoto
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Time and Labor Fuse Tomoko
- [Orisuji] How We Should Popularize Origami Kakami Hitoshi
- [This Origami and That] Constructal Law Nishikawa Seiji
- Reports
- WASEDA Junior&Senior High School Origami Circle Exhibits Ikeda Hitoshi
- 2nd Origami Mexico Fuse Tomoko
- And more...
issue #144 (Mar 2014)

- Diagrams
- Dog Kamiya Satoshi
- [Exploring into Modular Models] Colored Pencil Check Cube, Cat’s Eye Cube, and Spiky Cube Maekawa Jun
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Rubber Boots by Yamaguchi Makoto, Boy's Festival Samurai Helmet by Yamaguchi Makoto, Mt. Fuji by Yamanashi Akiko introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
- Crease Pattern
- Crested Kingfisher Morisue Kei
- Articles
- [Close-up] A History of "A Hand with Fingers" and Its Applications Hojyo Takashi
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] "Origami Sea Life" by John Motroll and Robert J. Lang Kakami Hitoshi
- JOAS' Annual Report: Activities in the 24th Year and Prospects in the 25th Year
- Essays
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] A Snowy Day Fuse Tomoko
- [Orisuji] College and Origami Make What? Komura Yuki
- Reports
- Workshop by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics Kawamura Miyuki
- And more...