- Crab Jason Ku
- [The Spiral Module Series] Gateau aux fraises Kawasaki Toshikazu
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Chopstick Envelope (Maple) by Inayoshi Hidehisaintroduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
Crease Pattern
Motorcycle Itagaki Yuichi
- [Close-up] Modeling on Predecessors Komatsu Hideo
- [The Swift Stream of Origami] Why a Square in the First Place?Kasahara Kunihiko
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] “An Encyclopaedia of Paper Craft Techniques (Vols. 1-2)” Mitani Jun
- [Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN] History of OSME Miura Koryo
- [Paper Folders on File] Heinz Strobl Jason Ku
- 今号の折り図・展開図掲載作品より(解説:北條高史)
- 第13回折紙探偵団関西コンベンションより
- 折紙探偵団東京友の会例会より
- AEPサラゴサコンベンション2013より
- JOASホール折り紙教室講習作品
[This Origami and That] One Step Forward: Origami CopyrightsNishikawa Seiji)
- The 13th Origami Tanteidan Kansai Convention Heinz Strobl
- AEP Convention 2013 Kashiwamura Takuro
And more…