- Dalmatian Kawahata Fumiaki
- [Modular Origami Quartette] (Trick or Treat (Halloween))Kawamura Miyuki
- [Origami Odds and Ends] Cow by Tsuruta Yoshimasa, Cuboid Box introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto
Crease Pattern
- Vajra (Basara Taisho) 2016 Hojyo Takashi
- [Close-up] Making of Vajra (Basara Taisho) 2016 : Turned Out to Be Simple but with Lots of Ideas Hojyo Takashi
- [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] “Origami Vehicles in the New Style” by Kawamura Akira Kamiya Satoshi
- [Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN] “Archives of Historical Documents on Rokoan-Gigo and Senbazuru Crane in Kuwana” : A Report from Reading Circle Nakamura Tomohiro
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Autograph? Fuse Tomoko
- [Orisuji] What Makes a Model Perfect : Cases on Mitate Kawai Chiyo
- [This Origami and That] Workshop on Air Nishikawa Seiji
- Origami USA 2016 Nishikawa Seiji
- The 6th Origami Tanteidan Kyushu Convention Kirzushi Yasuko
- Rencontres de mai 2016 Kawai Chiyo
- XIX Convención Internacional de Papiroflexia de la AEP Hagiwara Gen
- Kyoto Origami Club Exhibition
And more…