- Therizinosaurus Imai Yudai
- [Modular Origami Quartette]
Between Local and Globa Kawamura Miyuki - [Origami Odds and Ends]
Wagyu (Japanese Cattle) Ken Yonami
Crease Pattern
- Cow Bodo Haag
- [Close-up]
A Story behind the Origami Cup Nishikawa Seiji - [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library]
“Advanced Origami” Kamiya Satoshi - [Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN]
「A Report of the WOD 2020 Event by OrigamiUSA」Kawamura Miyuki - [Paper Folders on File]
Kamei Kohei Editor
Origami Photo Gallery
- Models Based on Diagrams and CreasePatterns of This Issue Nishikawa Seiji
- [Origami and Its Neighbors] Fuse Tomoko
- [Orisuji] Watanabe Yoshiko
- [Every Minute Origami] Maekawa Jun
And more…