- Cheat Dice by Nakamura Kaede
- Modular Origami Quartette : Decagonal Bloom, Striped Decagonal Star by Fuse Tomoko
- Origami Odds and Ends : A Long-tailed Cat in a Box, by Oh Kyung Ran, A Cat from the Back by Kamiya Satoshi
Crease Pattern
- T-rex by Kim Dong Hyeon
- Close-up : An Origami Crane with a Laparoscope: A Challenge by a Neurosurgeon by Itabashi Yutaro
- Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN : Origami Sampo along the Tobu Tojo Line by Maekawa Jun
- From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library : “Origami Cats & Dogs Premium” (Ed. : Yamaguchi Makoto) by Kamei Kohe
- Folders on File : Oriol Esteve by editor
Origami Photo Gallery
- Models Based on Diagrams and CreasePatterns of This Issue
- Models Exhibited in the 28th Origami Tanteidan Convention
- Origami and Its Neighbors by Fuse Tomoko
- Makoto or Not?: Memoirs by Yamaguchi Makoto
- Orisuzi (“Fold-Creases”) by Nagayama Kaito
- One Thousand and One Nights of Origami by Maekawa Jun
- Rabbit Ear