Origami Tanteidan Magazine

issue #168


  • Venus Comb Murex Kamiya Satoshi
  • [Modular Origami Quartette]
    (Cube in Tetrahedoral Cage and others)
     Maekawa Jun
  • [Origami Odds and Ends]
    Chow Chow by Komatsu Hideo
     introduce: Yamaguchi Makoto

Crease Pattern

  • The American House Cockroach, Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Brian Chan


  • [Close-up] Two Layered Origami Tessellation Yamamoto Yohei
  • [From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library] Origami in Newspapers Horiguchi Naoto
  • [Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN] A Mystery of Origami Yakko-san (Footman) Hatori Koshiro
  • [Paper Folders on File] Obituary: Mark Kennedy Origami House


  • [Origami and Its Neighbors] Fuse Tomoko
  • [Orisuji] Kamei Kohei


  • JOAS’ Annual Report: Activities in the 28th Year and Prospects for the 29th Year

And more…