- Horse by Sahara Hiroki
- Modular Origami Quartette : XYZ Octagons, Truncated Hexahedron, Checkered Cage and Octagonal Spirals by Maekawa Jun
- Origami Odds and Ends : Otafuku Face by Mitsuda Shigeru
Crease Pattern
- Griffon by Enomoto Masayoshi
- Close-up : An Origami Journey Across Time and Culture by Chris K. Palmer
- Here We Are, THE ORRRIGAMI TANTEIDAN : Usable Origami Tools in ‘100-yen’ Shops by Matsuura Eiko
- From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library :“Works of Hideo KOMATSU” by Horiguchi Naoto
- Paper Folders on File : IItabashi Yutaro
Origami Photo Gallery
- Models Based on Diagrams and CreasePatterns of This Issue by Nishikawa Seiji
- Origami and Its Neighbors by Fuse Tomoko
- Orisuzi (“Fold-Creases”) by Kochi Chizuko
- Origami-Zanmai (This Origami and That) by Nishikawa Seiji
- Rabbit Ear