If you are a 34th period subscriber, you can obtain the following booklets by upgrading to membership.
特別配布資料(202号別冊 2023.11)/ Special Issue 2023.11
- 朱鷺 (Crested Ibis ) by 幾野陸 (IKUNO Riku)
- ザトウクジラ (Humpback Whale) by 森沢碧人 (MORISAWA Aoto)
特別配布資料(203号別冊 2024.1)/ Special Issue 2024.1
- パピヨン(Papillon) by 大内康治 (OUCHI Koji)
- 鬼の顔 (Demon Face) by 満田茂 (MITSUDA Shigeru)
- イルカ (Dolphin) by 勝田恭平 (KATSUTA Kyohei)
第34期会員特別配布資料 / The 34th Annual Special Issue 2024.3
- ケープペンギン (African Penguin) by 神谷哲史 (KAMIYA Satoshi)
- アカシカ (Red Deer) by 今井雄大 (IMAI Yudai)
- カモノハシ (Platypus) by 満田茂 (MITSUDA Shigeru)